I can't believe it's not butter!

When studying in the US, I remember buying a butter with the funny name "I can't believe it's not butter." What I know now that I didn't know then was that the butter was made of plant oils instead of dairy.
Looking back, it's unbelievable that I didn't care to check what I was buying, especially since I studied to become a journalist. But I guess that all I really cared about then was that it tasted good on toasted bread!
Since starting to read The Kind Diet, I have left out all dairy products in my diet. I no longer eat yoghurt, which I love. I no longer drink milk, which I more or less stopped doing while living at home anyway. And, just over a month ago, I replaced my organic butter with the milk-free Carlshamn butter (see picture).
I thought it would be a lot harder to stop eating dairy products, such as cottage cheese, but I don't particularly miss any of it. I don't even miss milk chocolate as I've become used to eating chocolate with 90 per cent cocoa.
I haven't, however, left the dairy world completely. I still include it in my cooking and I probably eat it when visiting restaurants. But it feels good to reduce my overall dairy consumption, especially since there are so many great substitutes on the market that taste like dairy anyway. Until next time, live green!
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