Hi, I'm back!

I’ve been neglecting blondeandgreen forever. Not because I haven’t had any new(s) to share, but because I’ve had no internet connection.
I've been wanting to write about so many things: The other weekend, for instance, I used all the food in the fridge to make our smoothie and a pie for lunch that my husband really liked (too many vegetables for my children’s liking). I was very proud of myself, especially since I keep reading about how we in the developed world keep throwing away much of the food we buy in stores and eat at restaurants. I've also wanted to write about the new products I’ve purchased, from the laundry detergent and washing-up liquid from Garant to the eco liquid fertilizer I finally got down to buy to save my four and a half plants. Yes, one of my plants is about to be resurected thanks to the ”I love eco” fertilizer from our grocery store ICA.
I've also wanted to write about the new automatic lighting system in our building, which means my hallway light will no longer be on 24/7. By installing the system, we'll save SEK 20,000 on our annually electricity bill. Hurray for smart inventions!
For the last few months, I've also been part of a team at work who've been asked to come up with suggestions how to make our office more environmentally friendly. In fact, our company has been given an ambitious target by our owners to reduce our CO2 emissions by 30 percent by 2013, and this can only be achieved if we make some serious changes to the way we travel, for instance. One of my tasks, as part of this group, is to write the travel policy and it’s so much fun working on a project that you know, or at least hope, will make a difference in the end.
Anyway, it’s great to be back writing on my blog, and I hope to be a more active blogger from now on. Until next time, live green!
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