Veganism, here I come!
I'm turning vegan, at least for a day or two. And I'm not only doing it for the health of our planet. I'm doing it for my own health too. It's Alicia Silverstone, the American actress who starred in Clueless, who has convinced me to try it out after having started to read her book, The Kind Diet.
I never thought I'd enter the vegan sphere. To me, that world is full of hippies who dress weirdly and are too extreme in their views and ways of living. But Alicia has shown me that "normal" people fit in too, and I'm really phsyched about giving it a try because, frankly, it makes a whole lot of sense.
But, I shouldn't get ahead of myself. First of all, I have not tried a single dish in the book and, secondly, I have always been branded "the meat eater" in the family and it wasn't long ago my mouth would water and my teeth ache at the sight of a tender loin.
However, just like Alicia, I have constantly been on a path of enlightment when it comes to what I feed my body, having grown up with an experimental mom and an aunt who did most of her grocery shopping at the local health store. So, taking the vegan step or at least flirting with it, as Alicia encourages me to do, is a natural progression from where I'm at today.
My plan is to try out all the dishes in Alicia's book and document my journey in this blog. I hope it will be a fun, enlightening and inspirational read. Until next time, live green!
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